About Me

Who am I?

I am Brian Beall. I recently retired from a happy and successful career in Cybersecurity. Before I retired, I became an accredited Spiritual Director through The Haden Institute. I am a Reiki (energy healing) Master as well. The Energy Healing process taps into is God’s energy which animates and heals us.

I am an Idaho native. In my twenties, I was able to travel around the globe. When I left Idaho in my twenties, I said I will never return to Idaho. I proved myself wrong; I married a woman who was living four blocks from where I grew up! Currently, we live seven miles from my childhood home!

My spirituality is based in the Catholic Christian spirituality. I have read and studied about various religions and spiritual traditions. I will support and walk with anyone from any spiritual tradition. My only request is you want to develop your inner life and grow in your relationship with the Divine and your true self.

In my years as a spiritual directee, I find this spiritual journey rewarding and life transforming. My life is truly better because of my spiritual journey.

I know this sounds like I’m kind of intense! People say I am very kind, funny, open and accepting (And, sure. Sometimes Intense!).

My Spiritual Perspective

I believe our spirituality encompasses the entire person: our Psychological, Emotional, Intellectual, Physical, and Spiritual selves. I see spirituality as a relationship with myself, with God, and with others, and with the natural world. We all are connected.

I see we humans love to categorize things. We separate our experiences into the above parts. Our intellect is for our jobs; our emotions are for our intimate relationships. Our spirituality is for church and prayer. It is my experience when I combine these together, I get the most out of my life, my relationships with myself, others and with God. When I bring my feelings of loss and grief to prayer, I feel more whole. I feel I am bringing my whole self to God. I feel more “holy.” As Richard Rohr says, I realize where my “holes” are. When I no longer hide my pain and inadequacies from myself and from God, I feel more humble and authentic.

When I enter into meditation/prayer and bring my thoughts and emotions into my personal meditation space, I bring me to God. I am having a spiritual moment. At these times, I learn more about me, and I am open to going deeper into my relationship with myself and the Divine. As in any relationship, when I share more about myself, I, and the other person, receive so much. The relationship grows.

Spirituality is about our accepting, and being comfortable with, who we are at this moment.

Spirituality allows us to heal our emotional wounds and trauma and to grow into the person God wants us to be. When that happens, our relationships are healthier and more rewarding. Spirituality helps us grow as persons! I see spirituality as our wanting to see God more clearly through a window of our soul. When the window is dirty with our life’s hurts and traumas, we cannot see God very clearly. We are hiding behind the “gunk” on the window. Once we begin to remove some “gunk,” we can see God more clearly. We see the person God sees, and the relationship begins to go deeper.

My Spiritual Path

All my life, I have been on a Contemplative Mystical path. All those fancy words mean when I pray, I usually sit and listen (after a few minutes of calming!); that is the Contemplative part. When I pray, I see visions and feel things, such as, the Divine’s Love for me, etc.; that is the Mystical side.

As Richard Rohr said, “anyone who experiences a direct connection with God is a mystic.” Anyone can be a mystic! When you experience God while praying, driving, babysitting, working, etc., you are having a mystical experience of God. No fairy dust is needed.

In my twenties and thirties, I spent a lot of time trying to find how to live out my spiritual path. I was in a seminary for Catholic priestly formation. I discerned celibacy is not something I can do or want to do. I realized God made me not to be emotionally alone. I want/need a lifelong partner with whom I can share my thoughts, emotions and days.

From my seminary experience, I received a wonderful theological education and a lifelong desire to integrate this theology into my spirituality by looking at Christianity and other spiritual traditions and religions. Often, I see ways to integrate other spiritual tradition’s practices into my spiritual practice and experience of God, others, and the natural world. That is very rewarding for me.

I have been happily married to 21 years. My wife and I are parents to a wonderful college student whom we love very much. She continues to make us proud parents daily. My wife and I are volunteer ministers in our local Catholic church. We have an energetic yellow lab and two geriatric cats!

Please contact me for a Free session to talk about how I may assist you on your Spiritual Pathway.